At the time when you are trying to conceive your bodies will certainly need a double dose of energy and power – due to increased physical and mental efforts. In addition, what you eat impacts indirectly also your hormone balance and the quality of the egg and sperm cells you produce, therefore you should see to it that the food you eat is of proper nutritional value.

As in all matters, in the diet conducive to conceiving, balance is of the essence – you should maintain it as regards nutrients, amount of food and is diversity. Vegetables, pulses, saltwater fish, wholegrain products and high-fat dairy products should take the lead on your table.

Omega-3 fatty acid is the friend of male fertility. Men who want to improve their semen parameters are advised to enrich their diet with meals containing saltwater fish, vegetable oils or nuts. Additionally, it is worth ensuring the appropriate supply of vitamin A, zinc and selenium. They can be found in abundance in carrots, broccoli, spinach, pumpkins, cabbage, sweet potatoes, as well as in wholegrain products, oysters and pulses. Vitamin A has positive effect on the quality of the mucous membrane of reproductive organs and on sperm production, while zincs improves sperm quality.

Nutrients most needed by women include vitamin C and E, which help building endometrium, and folic acid which regulates the menstrual cycle. You can find them in vegetable oils, especially sunflower oil, fortified margarines, wheat germ, hazelnuts, yolk, leafy vegetables (e.g. spinach, lettuce), parsley.

It is also important that you have a proper supply of iron. This element plays the important role in the proper functioning of ovaries, egg cell and embryo development. You will find iron in certain animal products, like liver, heart, and also in fruit and vegetables – beetroots, parsley root, dried apricots and nuts.

Vitamin B6 raises the chances of fertilisation in women, as it plays important role in the synthesis of haemoglobin and in the production of antibodies. Foods rich in vitamin B6 include brown rice, potatoes and other starchy vegetables, as well as some fruits (e.g. bananas).

It should go without saying that you both have to give up all stimulants, like cigarettes or alcohol.

It is not only important WHAT you eat, but also HOW you eat. It is recommended that you eat regularly 4 or optimally 5 meals a day. Such dietary pattern allows to supply the body with indispensable vitamins and minerals and also with the proper amount of antioxidants. It will also support your metabolism.

You should definitely resign from all highly processed foods. We say definite NO to preservatives and artificial food colourings :); put Chinese instant soups and other instant foods on the back burner. Furthermore, reduce (it would be the best if not only in the period when trying to have a baby!) the consumption of margarine, fried and breadcrumbed foods, crisps, sweets, sweet and saturated beverages, and red meet.

Scientific research confirm the impact of diet on health. The scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health for several years analysed the group of 18 thousand women who during that period tried to get pregnant. The eating habits of women who had difficulties with getting pregnant were compared with the menus of women who became mother with no problems at all. The findings of the study allowed to draw important conclusions end to determine the optimal fertility diet (a book describing this diet in detailed was published in the USA under the title of “Fertility Diet”).

So – it’s time to reorganise your fridge 🙂 Bon appétit!