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FAMSI – when semen is not perfect
Egg cell quality
Embryo freezing – how does it work?
Genetic testing of future parents
Couple diagnosis: where to start – the cycle and patency assessment
Treatment of female patients 40+
Endometriosis – causes, symptoms, treatment
Spontaneous / habitual abortions
Failed IVF programs
Low ovarian reserve
Top Rated Documents
Fertile days – what should I know about them and how can I calculate them?
Endometriosis – causes, symptoms, treatment
Age and fertility
What is the scale of the problem? How many couples face infertility?
Low ovarian reserve
Why does the doctor order so many tests at the beginning?
When should a couple turn to the Clinic? What does the treatment start with?
Modern Methods of Infertility Treatment, Part 1
Is in vitro/insemination a treatment? After all, it does not eliminate the cause of problems with getting pregnant…
What determines the success of in vitro fertilization?
Post-Coital Test
Hyaluronic acid binding assay
General semen analysis
Additional diagnosis of male partner
Miscarriages at the onset of pregnancy – causes and diagnosis
Causes of infertility – deficiency of vitamins and fatty acids
Male infertility: causes and diagnosis of male infertility
Modern Methods of Infertility Treatment, Part 1
Modern Methods of Infertility Treatment, Part 2
What determines the success of in vitro fertilization?
PGD Preimplantation Diagnosis
AMH – modern evaluation of ovarian reserve
Fundamentals of female fertility diagnosis
Laparoscopic surgery in gynecology
Cytogenetic testing in the assessment of female fertility
Menstrual cycle – all you should know
Female fertility
Age and fertility
Fertile days – what should I know about them and how can I calculate them?
Hormonal stimulation – before the IVF program
Stimulation – long agonist protocol
Stimulation – short agonist protocol
Stimulation – short antagonist protocol (Cetrotide)
Hormonal stimulation – side effects
Myths – lymphocyte vaccination
Myth 1: In vitro does not treat infertility
Myth 2: Children from in vitro are born at the expense of their siblings
Myth 3: Children conceived with the use of in vitro fertilization technique are born ill and have numerous congenital defects
Myth 4: IVF procedure, contrary to naprotechnology, is ineffective and unethical.
Methods of sperm selection
What is in vitro fertilization?
Indications for IVF program
What is the effectiveness of IVF?
How long does the IVF treatment last?
How many times can the procedure be attempted?
Is it true that with IVF the chance of conceiving male child increases?
When does the treatment end? With the fertilization itself?
What is assisted hatching – AH?
Methods of sperm selection
ICSI – intracytoplasmic sperm injection
Testicular biopsy
Assisted hatching (AH)
Culture up to the blastocyst stage
IVM – in vitro maturation – maturation of egg cells
Sperm sorting
Diagnostic testing before insemination
Post-Coital Test
Recurrent miscarriages and treatment efficacy
Psychosocial aspects of infertility treatment
Low ovarian reserve
Failed IVF programs
Spontaneous / habitual abortions
How to treat male infertility?
What is the scale of the problem? How many couples face infertility?
What is infertility?
Why can’t we have children?
Are you at risk of infertility?
Why does the doctor order so many tests at the beginning?
What is the percentage of couples who go through the treatment successfully – and how long, on average, does it take?
When should a couple turn to the Clinic? What does the treatment start with?
What is the difference between a treatment in the Fertility Clinic and a naprotechnology?
Medications used in stimulation protocols preceding in vitro fertilization
Gonadotropins – (Menopur, Puregon, Gonal F, Fostimon, Merional)
GnRH agonists (e.g. Gonapeptyl, Decapeptyl, Diphereline)
GnRH antagonists (e.g. Cetrotide)
hCG (e.g. Ovitrelle, Choragon, Pregnyl)
Progesterone (e.g. Lutein, Lutinus)
Antiestrogens (e.g. Clostilbegyt)
Oral contraceptives
Embryo evaluation
What is assisted hatching – AH?
ICSI technique through an embryologist’s eye
Methods of sperm selection
Embryo freezing – how does it work?
Egg cell quality
FAMSI – when semen is not perfect
Sperm – general information
Do IVF children from in vitro suffer from diseases more often than those conceived in natural way? Are IVF children more often genetically affected or do they develop more poorly?
Do pregnancies after in vitro require special management?
What is the significance of prenatal testing for IVF pregnancies?
Do deliveries of babies after in vitro differ from natural ones? Are there any special indications?
Do IVF pregnancies more often end in miscarriage?