Before the planned intrauterine insemination, we should perform next tests which will tell us whether this technique has optimum chances for success. The test includes primarily the sperm DNA fragmentation test. If the fragmentation is abnormal, we put the couple at risk of obtaining a pregnancy from abnormal sperm, which could result in miscarriage or giving birth to a sick child. If we want the treatment to be carried out in a manner which gives optimum chances, we should also check the sperm for hyaluronic acid binding – the hyaluronic acid binding assay. If the result indicates poor binding, it is likely that the natural fertilization of an egg cell will not be possible or the probability of success is low. The optimum effectiveness of insemination is approximately 10%; excluding the above factors limits the group of couples in which we could apply this technique. The smaller target group will translate into the decrease in the number of procedures which will not bring the expected result.
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Published: 23 September 2016
Updated: 20 March 2017