Since the first child from IN VITRO appeared in the world (in 1978), more than 3,000,000 children were born all over the world in the result of this treatment. So far, no essential differences have been clearly demonstrated between the health of children born in the result of IVF and of those born in the result of natural conception. The studies are still ongoing.
It is considered that the highest risk for children conceived in the result of IVF are multiple pregnancies.
The risk of birth defects in the case of children from IVF cycles is slightly increased and in the U.S. it is approximately 2.6-3.9% (in the normal population, it is 2-3%, and according to FertilitySterility Nov;2005 84(5):1308–1315, it is approximately 4.5%) – this can be associated with the fact that parents who use IVF in the treatment of infertility more often have or are the carriers of defects.
Each pregnancy may be complicated by fetal defects, especially in female patients above the age of 35 years. Therefore, in each case of pregnancy after IVF, it is recommended to perform additional diagnostic procedures in order to exclude any possible defects (blood tests of the mother, tests of amniotic fluid and ultrasound examinations).
IVF procedures do not exclude miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, genetic defects or fetal death. The risk of such complications is comparable to the risk observed in the case of natural pregnancies.