In Vitro Programme with PGS–NGS 360°™
increase your chances of pregnancy
with innovative embryo genetic diagnostic tests

Genetics NGS™ In Vitro Programme means the following, among others:

  • Greater chance of a healthy pregnancy
    thanks to the most modern embryo genetic diagnostic tests prior to transfer
  • Higher rate of embryo implantation
    because only embryos without abnormalities are transferred into the uterus
  • Lower rate of miscarriages
    compared to standard in vitro programmes
  • Medical safety and mental comfort
    this programme is recommended to Patients at a higher risk of embryo defects
  • PGS-NGS 360°™ diagnostics
    analysis of all autosomes and sex chromosomes with regard to the most common genetic defects, such as, among others, Down, Edwards, Patau, Turner, Klinefelter syndromes
  • A set of visits and medications for hormone stimulation
    – no limits
  • Personalised programme of hormone stimulation
    – designed individually for each Patient
  • The programme is performed by the most experienced team of embryologists in Poland directed by Dr Joanna Liss

Do you know…
the quality of egg cells and embryos
depends on the woman’s age?

The risk of chromosomal aneuploidies increases with the woman’s age and does not depend on the conception method. It is one of the most important reasons responsible for failures when trying for a child among women at the age above 35 years.

The presence of aneuploidies in embryos may have a significant effect on the efficacy of treatment and presence of miscarriages.

Aneuploidies in egg cells

On the chart below, there is a percent rate of egg cells with aneuploidies (abnormal cells) related to the woman’s age and clinical pregnancies per embryo transfer – without PGS-NGS 360º diagnostics. It can be easily seen that in women at the age of 35 years, aneuploidies are observed in as many as 45% of cells and their number increases with age. It has a significant effect on the success of in vitro programmes.

Aneuploidie w komórkach jajowych a wiek kobiety - statystyki

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Aneuploidies in embryos

The chart presents chromosomal aneuploidies in embryos in relation to the woman’s age. A biopsy of embryos was performed at the blastocyst stage. It should be noted that genetic abnormalities in embryos are also common (approximately 31.7%) in women younger than 35 years.

Aneuploidie w zarodkach - statystyki

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Miscarriages and the woman’s age

The chart presents a correlation between the woman’s age and miscarriages in a given age group. The mean for patients older than 35 years is as much as 33.7%. Miscarriages may have a genetic background – e.g. presence of chromosomal aneuploidies in embryos.

Aneuploidie w zarodkach - statystyki

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Programme efficacy

When the PGS-NGS 360°™ test is performed as part of the Programme, we can diagnose all chromosomal aneuploidies present in each embryo. It is especially important for the efficacy of an in vitro fertilisation programme.

All Inclusive Genetics NGS™ - Statistics

Clinical pregnancy per embryo transfer for an in vitro programme with PGS-NGS-360°™.
The mean efficacy in all groups of Patients with indications for embryo genetic diagnostic tests.
It is worth noting that in individual age groups, it is possible to increase the efficacy from 50% to even 90% thanks to PGS-NGS 360°™.

Can I use the PGS-NGS 360º™ Programme?

Medical indications for the Programme

Embryo genetic diagnostic tests are associated with medical indications for such a procedure. Indications are discussed with an experienced geneticist, among others.

  • Woman’s age above 35 years
    all women at the age of 35 years and more
  • Spontaneous miscarriages
    presence of spontaneous miscarriages in the past
  • Failure of in vitro programmes in the past
    lack of pregnancy after at least 2 in vitro programmes in the past
  • Positive genetic history
    presence of genetic diseases in family
  • Carrier of chromosomal translocations
    diagnosed Robertsonian translocations

  • Woman’s age below 35 years
    in case of an increased risk of chromosomal aneuploidies

There is no alternative to clinical experience

The In Vitro All Inclusive Genetics NGS™ Programme uniquely combines medical knowledge, clinical experience, quality of work of the molecular biology laboratory and in vitro laboratory. A medical team and a team of experienced embryologists supervise your treatment.

See how we are able to conduct 4 most important stages of the in vitro programme that have the greatest impact on the success of treatment.

Hormone stimulation is aimed to stimulate ovaries to produce follicles with egg cells. Usually, between several to less than 20 follicles are produced as a result of stimulation. The success of the in vitro procedure depends mainly on the fact whether it was possible to obtain simultaneously a larger number of follicles, followed by mature egg cells.

ISP – Individual Stimulation Protocol

The Individual Stimulation Protocol prepared individually for each patient allows to reduce the risk of hyperstimulation and to obtain an appropriate number of egg cells as well.
The programme is conducted based on the latest knowledge regarding the effects of hormone levels, including AMH, on the women’s body, as well as clinical experience.

The quality and number of egg cells depend on many factors, such as a method to perform hormone stimulation and a method used to perform a procedure of egg cell collection. The collection procedure is performed under general anaesthesia, under ultrasound monitoring and by experienced specialists. At the same time, physicians cooperate with embryologists who constantly work together in order to obtain the best possible material from each patient.

OQA – Oocyte Quality Assessment

The whole procedure is performed according to a unique standard – OQA – Oocyte Quality Assessment – that has been prepared by a team at the INVICTA In Vitro Laboratory managed by Dr Joanna Liss.

At INVICTA Clinics, embryologists are constantly communicating with a physician who collects cells during a procedure, and they monitor the presence of a cumulus in an ovarian follicle. Then, the quality of a cumulus is assessed and it should contain an egg cell. The assessment of an egg cell is performed after separation of granulosa cells. The following parameters are mainly assessed at INVICTA Clinics: cell maturity, structure of the egg cell cytoplasm, thickness of the zona pellucida, thickness of the space below the zona pellucida, morphology of the first polar body, cell size.

If we know that fertilisation of egg cells was poor in the previous cycle, it is possible to stimulate internal mechanisms helping the introduction of the sperm into an egg cell to facilitate fertilisation – oocyte activation using calcium ionophores.

The quality of performance of an in vitro laboratory that is responsible for the assessment of egg cells, selection of a sperm for fertilisation and process of fertilisation plays a key role for the success of in vitro fertilisation programmes. At the INVICTA Laboratory, we are aware that we work with extremely delicate genetic material – therefore, apart from internal standards, ISO standards, recommendations of international scientific associations, we culture and monitor embryos under special conditions – for example, low oxygen pressure and high hyaluronate levels.

The In Vitro All Inclusive Programme contains recommended procedures performed at an in vitro laboratory. These include techniques that may have a significant impact on the Programme success – including among others: ICSI, embryo culture up to the blastocyst stage and AH (assisted hatching). Additionally, if it is medically indicated (male factors), we use FAMSI or IMSI-MSOME techniques.

On the fifth day of culture – at the blastocyst stage – an embryo biopsy is performed. Material for diagnostic tests is collected. The procedure is performed by the most experienced embryologists. The material is sent to the INVICTA Laboratory of Molecular Biology. Time to results is approximately 14 days. Embryos are subject to vitrification – they are frozen to be used later for transfer during the next Patient’s cycle.

PGS-NGS 360º™

Embryos are tested with the most modern technique: NGS – Next Generation Sequencing, using a protocol prepared by the INVICTA Laboratory of Molecular Biology. Within the programme, we perform diagnostic tests on all 24 chromosomes at the same time, with precision that has never been so high – at the level of 99.999% (Q50 according to Phred Quality Score). The NGS technique is considered to be a reference one compared to all testing methods of genetic material.

In 2013, the INVICTA Fertility Clinic was the first one worldwide to implement the NGS technique as a routine method of embryo testing.

A key element affecting the success of embryo transfer procedures and implantation may include preparation of female mucosa membrane and presence of appropriate endometrial receptivity. This procedure may be significantly easier to perform during the All Inclusive Genetics Programme – as it is performed in a frozen cycle. Tests have demonstrated that such a strategy may have a positive influence on expected outcomes such as a pregnancy. Thanks to our experience in this field, we are able to introduce our own methods for transfer preparation – and consequently, the risk of a failure is minimised. After embryo transfer, the Patient is monitored – it is the so-called implantation supervision.

Implantation supervision

Appropriate supervision over a very early stage of pregnancy is an extremely important stage of in vitro fertilisation programmes at INVICTA Clinics. According to our studies, when implantation supervision is performed correctly, it may increase the efficacy of an in vitro programme by approximately 8% on average.
During Patient’s supervision after transfer, a physician constantly monitors lutein dosage and introduces necessary modifications depending on the test results and the patient’s medical condition.
This stage of the process is also important from a diagnostic point of view. In case of a programme failure, our specialists obtain invaluable information that can be used when planning further treatment. A management strategy may be drastically changed during the next Patient’s attempt, often thanks to information obtained after embryo transfer. Our specialists are aware of that and, therefore, they are responsible for appropriate implantation supervision until week 5 after embryo transfer.
As part of the In Vitro All Inclusive Programme, patients receive medications that help prepare the mucosa for transfer, and medications taken after transfer – lutein.

IVF All Inclusive Genetics NGS™ Programme – main stages

The In Vitro Genetics NGS™ Programme is performed in a frozen cycle – it means that embryo transfer is performed during the next Patient’s cycle. Embryos are frozen after a biopsy – in the blastocyst stage.

In this period, the INVICTA Laboratory of Molecular Biology conducts diagnostic tests on embryos.


Can transfer of frozen embryos reduce the efficacy of the programme?

On the contrary. Scientific studies have demonstrated that conducting an in vitro programme in a frozen cycle may have a positive effect on the treatment efficacy. Thanks to this strategy, a woman’s body may regenerate and achieve a natural balance after hormone stimulation and procedures. Physicians may prepare the endometrium for an embryo even better, and the patient herself experiences less stress because individual procedures are performed at longer time intervals.


In Vitro All Inclusive Genetics NGS™ Programme

In Vitro All Inclusive Genetics NGS™ Programme is the first offer in Poland that provides access to all tests that are necessary in the in vitro fertilisation programme, medical visits, procedures and medications as well as embryo genetic diagnostic tests.

The programme has been created for all those couples who value a complex approach to treatment and a possibility to precisely determine budget that is necessary for this purpose. Solutions offered within the In Vitro All Inclusive Genetics NGS™ Programme allow Patients to focus on therapy and their own needs without the necessity to consider how high the fees are and how to obtain new funds. The Programme also offers a discount of 5-15%, therefore it is also attractive from a financial point of view.

Fee includes the following elements, among others:

Medical and genetic consultation

Visits in the programme with a genetic and anaesthesiological consultation.
The number of visits is limited only by medical recommendations.

Laboratory tests

A set of laboratory tests – including: tests for hormone tests during stimulation, tests prior to collection of egg cells, anaesthesiological tests, tests prior to embryo transfer and other…

Medications for hormone stimulation

A set of medications for hormone stimulation – no limits – depending only on medical recommendations and a stimulation protocol. The stimulation protocol is designed individually for each patient.

Procedure of egg cell collection

A procedure of egg cell collection under general anaesthesia and ultrasound monitoring combined with necessary tests. The procedure is performed with the cooperation of an embryologist.

Procedures in the in vitro laboratory

Preparation – semen preparation, ICSI, culture up to the blastocyst stage, AH, EmbryoGlue, IMSI-MSOME/FAMSI/Semen bank and embryo culture under special conditions favouring its development.

Biopsy of embryos

Collecting embryo material for genetic testing. The procedure is performed by experienced embryologists and does not affect the embryo quality.

Embryo freezing

Embryo freezing (two embryos) for further transfer during the next Patient’s cycle.

PGS-NGS 360°™ diagnostics

Performing embryo genetic diagnostic tests at the INVICTA Laboratory of Molecular Biology. Diagnostic tests are performed with the most modern technique: NGS – Next Generation Sequencing.

Embryo transfer – during the next Patient’s cycle

Preparation of the mucosa, embryo thawing and transfer combined with hospitalisation at the post-surgery ward under the care of a midwife and physician.

Supervised embryo implantation

Embryo implantation supervised by an experienced specialist ensures regular patient’s monitoring and supervised dosage of medications after transfer.

Consultation after the programme

Medical consultation when the programme has been completed to assess its effects. In case of a failure, a consultation is preceded by a medical team consultation and a personalised plan of treatment is prepared.

Other IVF Programs you may be interested in:

In Vitro Optimum™ Programme

IVF Optimum™ is a program providing the Patients – within a single lump sum payment – with basic medical procedures related to in vitro fertilisation.

In Vitro All Inclusive™ Programme

This is the first offer introduced in Europe giving patients access to absolutely all tests, medical visits, procedures and medications necessary in the vitro fertilisation process – against a single lump sum payment.