Service price list

While developing the offer of INVICTA we strive for ensuring the best price-quality ratio. In the frameworks of the treatment programs, including IVF, offered to our patients, we apply the state-of-the-art technological solutions and top quality materials. The couples who undergo treatment at INVICTA can rely on the comprehensive care in the scope of full diagnostics and modern treatment methods, as well as the high standards of services.

In addition, prices of service packages (i.e. programs) reflect the applied discount. For example, our All Inclusive IVF Program includes all tests, visits, procedures and treatments necessary for conducting the IVF cycle as well as extra options which can increase the efficacy of the treatment.

The offer of INVICTA Clinics presents the options of IVF programs in many price variants adapted to various needs of our Patients. In addition, all three INVICTA centres implement the governmental “Programme of Infertility Treatment by In Vitro Fertilization” which allows couples who meet the criteria set by the Polish Ministry of Health to have 3 in vitro cycles free of charge (excluding the additional costs of qualification tests – approx. 300 PLN and medicines – their price, if reimbursed, amounts to approx. 200-1,200 PLN).

The members of INVICTA staff are at your disposal when you consider the selection of procedures of financial options; they will help you with additional information or advice.

The first medical consultation with ultrasound
from 320 PLN
The next medical consultation with ultrasound 
from 250 PLN
Psychological consultation
200 PLN
Initial test panel including AMH for female

AMH, inhibin B, SHBG, E2, FSH, LH, Anty-TPO, DHEA-SO4, TST, TSH, PRL + blood collection

950 PLN
USG-HSG (Hysterosalpingography)from 1100 PLN
PCT test

The viability and motility of sperm in a sample of mucus taken from the cervix after sexual intercourse is tested

120 PLN
Mucus hostility test

The viability and motility of the sperm in the mucus sample is tested. A cervical swab and semen from the partners are taken separately.

60 PLN
Sperm Analysis with morphology - SCA

Seminogram with evaluation of sperm structure

240 PLN
Sperm DNA Fragmentation

A specialised semen test that determines the degree of DNA fragmentation in sperm. Performed using the TUNEL method.

560 PLN
MSOME - Motile Sperm Organelle Morphology Examination

Examination of morphology of motile spermatozoa under high magnification

350 PLN
Extended semen examination (SOME and HOS)

Simultaneous examination of morphology (SOME) and sperm viability (HOS)

450 PLN
Sperm oxidative stress levels examination

The oxidation-reduction potential in the semen is examined, level of reactive oxygen species (ROS)

350 PLN
Antisperm antibodies MARTest

Semen testing for antisperm antibodies

150 PLN
Hyaluronate sperm binding test

Testing the quality and maturity of the sperm and its ability to fertilise the egg

340 PLN
Karyotype530 PLN
Genetic testing panel - female infertility

Detects mutations in the F5, F2, CFTR, FMR1 genes and the M2 haplotype in the ANXA5 gene

750 PLN
Genetic testing panel - male infertility

Detects mutations in the AZF and CFTR genes and the M2 haplotype in the ANXA5 gene

690 PLN
Genetic testing panel - miscarriages

Detects mutations in the F5, F2 and SERPINE1 genes and the M2 haplotype in the ANXA5 gene

620 PLN
Preimplantation genetics testing

Preimplantation diagnosis of embryos is performed in the in vitro process. The price depends on the number of embryos and the type of test.

from 2990 PLN
Intrauterine insemination of sperm from a partner (IUI)
1300 PLN
Intrauterine insemination of donor sperm (AID)
3150 PLN
Standard IVF program

IVF programme including basic and necessary procedures and visits: stimulation with hormonal tests, oocyte retrieval procedure, fertilisation and embryo culture, embryo transfer and psychological counselling

9900 PLN
IVF Optimum

Optimal in vitro treatment programme. Includes the basic necessary procedures and visits: stimulation with hormonal tests, oocyte retrieval procedure, egg cell fertilisation and embryo culture, embryo transfer and 2 counselling sessions with a psychologist. In addition, it includes: a set of tests necessary for anaesthesia, anaesthesia visit, anaesthesia for the procedure, ICSI, embryo culture to blastocyst stage, embryo freezing with 1 year of storage

14900 PLN
IVF All Inclusive Program

An effective and service-rich IVF programme. In addition to the basic procedures and visits, it includes: a set of tests necessary for anaesthesia, anaesthesia visit, anaesthesia, ICSI, culture to blastocyst, EmbryoGen, embryo freezing and 1 year of storage and 2 counselling by a psychologist. It is also rich in additional services: IMSI-MSOME, FAMSI, donor sperm from the INVICTA Bank (choice of 1 service out of 3), EmbryoGlue, incision of the embryo envelope (AH), care during embryo implantation with hormonal tests, 2 visits in early pregnancy with ultrasound and hormonal tests

from 18500 PLN
IVF All Inclusive - natural cycle

The in vitro fertilisation procedure is preceded by the patient's natural cycle without hormonal stimulation or with minimal doses of hormones. In addition to the basic procedures and visits, it includes: a set of tests necessary for anaesthesia, an anaesthetic visit, anaesthesia, an advanced ICSI fertilisation procedure, culture to blastocyst and psychological counselling

13500 PLN
IVF Embryo Freezing Program

The in vitro programme to retrieve genetic material from embryos for PGT and freeze them (without transfer). It includes all the necessary elements: appointments, examinations, set of tests necessary for anaesthesia, anaesthesia visit, anaesthesia, oocyte retrieval, ICSI, culture to blastocyst, EmbryoGen, embryo biopsy, embryo freezing and 1 year of storage and psychological counselling

from 15900 PLN
IVF Egg Freezing Program

The in vitro programme which includes the procedures and appointments necessary to obtain and freeze your own oocytes: stimulation with hormonal tests, a set of tests necessary for anaesthesia, anaesthesia appointment, anaesthesia, collection of cells and freezing of them with storage for 1 year and counselling by a psychologist

from 7800 PLN
IVF Emryo Donation Program

Embryo recipient programme including key stages of treatment. Embryos come from anonymous donors (patients) from the INVICTA Embryo Bank.

from 9900 PLN
IVF ETM Standard

Programme to prepare patient for subsequent transfer and frozen embryo transfer procedure

from 2750 PLN

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

1500 PLN

Intracytoplasmic injection of functionally and morphologically normal, acrosomally activated spermatozoa

1450 PLN

Intracytoplasmic injection of sperm with detailed assessed morphology. Evaluation of sperm morphology is performed using modern microscopic equipment

900 PLN

Intracytoplasmic injection of morphologically normal and mature sperm, selected using hyaluronic acid

900 PLN
Separation of sperm

Separating spermatozoa in a magnetic field, allowing the selection of only those spermatozoa that have no damage to DNA or have less damage than the others

1550 PLN
Blastocyst culture

Extended embryo culture to the blastocyst stage in vitro. Increases the chances of embryo implantation by approximately 20%

750 PLN
AH - assisted hatching

Laser incision of the thin blastocyst envelope prior to transfer. Improves chances of implantation of the embryo

750 PLN
Embryo glue

Embryo transfer medium with high hyaluronic acid content. Supports embryo implantation

550 PLN
Semen freezing + 1 year storage

1050 PLN
Annual storage fee (after the first year)

750 PLN
IVF ED STANDARD Frozen Program

basic program which ends with embryos freezing

6900 PLN
IVF ED OPTIMUM Frozen Program

basic program which ends with embryos freezing and dedicated for patients with lower sperm

8400 PLN
IVF ED PREMIUM Frozen Program

all necessary procedure including embryo transfer and care in early pregnancy

13400 PLN
IVF ED PREMIUM Fresh Program

all necessary procedure including embryo transfer and care in early pregnancy

15100 PLN
Reservation of a package - 6 frozen donor eggs

reimbursement of the cost of harvesting 6 frozen donor eggs

13000 PLN
Reservation of a package - 12 frozen donor eggs

reimbursement of the cost of harvesting 12 frozen donor eggs

26000 PLN
Reservation of a package - 6 fresh donor eggs

reimbursement of the cost of harvesting 6 fresh donor eggs

13000 PLN
UMA Test (Uterine Muscle Activity Test)

Uterine muscle contractility test

450 PLN
Scarification (scratching) of the endometrium

650 PLN
Endometrium activation before embryo transfer

2200 PLN
Receptivity of the endometrium

1250 PLN
Autologous platelet- endometrial treatment (PRP)

1400 PLN
Atosiban intravenous infusion

1400 PLN
Intralipid intravenous infusion (immunological factor therapy)

1200 PLN
Ovarian Rejuvenation with PRP

3800 PLN
VIVA- Ovarian Tissue Activation

7500 PLN
IVIG - intravenous immunoglobulin treatment

8400 PLN