Despite the present political situation in the Ukraine, many people still decide to travel there for in vitro treatment. Some people may be encouraged by the acceptance and practice of surrogacy and IVF surrogacy, while others by the allowance of older women to become pregnant as a result of egg donation. Another reason why the Ukraine has gained in popularity is definitely the low and affordable costs of IVF treatment.

IVF Ukraine – the advantages

Another advantage of in vitro fertilization in the Ukraine is that the country has a well established track record in reproductive medicine and its clinics are modern and very well equipped. What’s more, most doctors are trained to high international standars and are very attentive and caring. Succes rates for IVF in the Ukraine are also quite impressive – in some patient profiles they are as high as 42% and 60% for egg donation treatment. Finding a fertility clinic in the Ukraine isn’t very problematic since there is a number of them in this country. Most are located in the country’s capital – Kiev, but there are also medical centers in Lviv, Donetsk, Odessa, Kharkov and other towns.

IVF Ukraine – types of treatment and law aspects

The Ukraine offers most types of assisted reproduction. Surrogacy and all fertility treatments available in the Ukraine are regulated by the Family and Civil Codes and by the Law on Health Fundamentals of Ukraine, which is a core Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine. Procedures such as ISCI, PGD and Assisted Hatching are allowed,. As mentioned above, many people travel to the Ukraine for surrogacy. The law of the Ukraine allows a couple in receipt of a surrogate child to register the child, and to obtain a birth certificate with their names as parents. In fact, the biological origins do not have to be disclosed. Women who become surrogates undergo medical tests, and must be between 20 to 40 years old. Additionaly, they must have had at least one healthy child previously. Procedures such as sperm, egg and emrbyo donation are also allowed. As in most other countries, egg and sperm donors are ensured anonymity.

Cheap in vitro treatment

One of the main reasons why people decide to travel to the Ukraine for IVF is the low cost of treatment. It is estimated that most procedures in the Ukraine cost up to 85% less than the same treatment in Western Europe or the USA. For example, a single IVF cycle in the Ukraine costs around 1,500€ and in vitro with donor eggs is on average 3,300€. Surrogacy packages are more expensive – they cost from aroun 5,000€ to as much as 14,500€. Even if you take into account the plane tickets and accomodation and food costs, IVF in the Ukraine is still cheaper than in the UK or USA. Especially with airlines offering bargain tickets and a lot of cheap hotels and apartaments available.

IVF Ukraine – the minuses

One of the biggest disadvantages of in vitro in the Ukraine is the fact that the country isn’t a member of the EU. As a result, patients don’t benefit from the strict legal protection applied to EU clinics. What’s more, some sources claim that the country’s donors are greatly exploited, which may also be a minus for some patients. If you are looking for cheap IVF in Eastern Europe, why not check out Poland? It is home to one of the leading fertility clinics in Europe – INVICTA. The Clinic has been specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility for over 14 years. It provides access to most up-to-date methods of treatment used around the world. Patients mostly appreciate INVICTA for quality, efficiency and a personalized approach.