In vitro treatment is the process of fertilizing eggs and sperm outside a woman’s body. These days it is becoming a more and more common procedure. There are a number of cases when in vitro treatment is recommended. Generally IVF with own eggs is a good choice if a woman has good quality eggs but because of other circumstances she can’t get pregnant. Those factors are most commonly blocked or damaged fallopian tubes or an insufficient number of sperm to carry out artificial insemination. In vitro with own eggs is also suggested if intrautrerine insemination has been unsuccesfull, a woman has severe endometriosis or unexplained infertility has continued for some time.
How does in vitro work?
Over time the term IVF has aquired a wider meaning and sometimes it is used as a synonym for assisted reproductive technology (ART). However, in vitro (IVF) primarily means treatment during which eggs are retrieved from a woman’s fallopian tubes and fertilized in a laboratory with her pertner’s or donor’s sperm. Every cycle of IVF treatment has very similar steps which occur at a specific time of a woman’s period. Firstly a woman is given stimulation drugs in order to grow multiple eggs, which are then collected from her fallopian tubes. Once the eggs have been retrieved they are fertilized in a laboratory dish with sperm, either her partner’s or donor’s. Later the best fertilized eggs (embryos) are chosen and one or more are placed in a woman’s uterus. At this time the woman usually takes hormones to support the uterine lining and sustain her pregnancy.
Succes rates for IVF with own eggs
It is very hard to calculate an average success rate for in vitro treatment with own eggs since there are many factors which determine the success of treatment. Everything depends on the patient’s individual medical condition, reason of infertility, quality and quantity of eggs and, most of all, age. It has been proved that with age fertility decreases. This means that the older a woman is, the harder it may be for her to get pregnant. Having said that, it is not uncommon for women over 40 years old to have a baby thanks to IVF treatment. Generally, the success rates for IVF with own eggs for women below 34 years old are around 30-40%. After age 35 rates steadily decrease. When searching for a ferility clinic it is wise to check the success rates for women in your age range. A clinic definitely worth recommending is INVICTA in Poland, where success rates for IVF with own eggs are significantly higher than the European average – they are around 49,1%.