Infertility has many faces, as different as the sources of the problems with getting pregnant. In some cases the only chance for conceiving is using the gametes from anonymous donors. It is the difficult challenge for any couple, but at the same time the important chance for fulfilling dreams about the family.

The sperm quality is determined by several parameters, e.g. motility, sperm count, viability, DNA fragmentation in sperm or morphology. If the laboratory analysis indicates that the sperm count is too low, the sperm is damaged or there is no sperm, the patients can use the sperm obtained from donors. The donor’s material is then used during insemination or in vitro fertilisation. The decision on using the sperm bank is then taken always in consultation with the physician. Sometimes it may be helpful to consult with the psychologist who will talk to You among others about this method of treatment, its possible consequences for Your relationship and the methods of dealing with difficulties.

The donors are men in good health condition, aged 18-40, with upper secondary or university education. First of all, however, any potential donor must pass all tests excluding viral diseases, genetic diseases, and be qualified by the psychologist. If he passes this process with positive result, he will donate his semen to the bank. In turn, the sperm bank receives the applications from patients who want to use the semen in their in vitro programme or insemination.

The donor selection takes place during the consultation with the in vitro laboratory employee. The date of the visit and discussion can be agreed at the reception desk. In the course of the visit the embryologist will present to You the list of anonymous donors. The list contains general information, like the blood type, eye colour, hair colour, height, body mass, level of education. The other data are confidential. Before starting the in vitro programme the patients can choose the donor whose features best fit their needs. Not always all expectations can be met, the couple must be aware that heredity is a complex process. We can estimate with some probability what the blood type inheritance pattern may be, but as regards such features like hair colour, height or body mass, there is no possibility to assess how they are going to be inherited. Therefore, before selecting a donor, it is worth considering what features are really significant for the patients.

If a given couple select the donor during the visit, they confirm their intent in the appropriate statement. This document has to be signed both by the female and male partner, therefore it is important to come to the visit together. This is also the moment when you will need mutual support and when you both take the mutual and fully aware decision.